COVID-19: Workplace control measures.

Now that it seems that Coronavirus is here and, unfortunately, will be around for a while, let’s talk about workplace control measures that companies should be implementing to reduce risks and problems with productivity. Three weeks ago, almost no company reported any impact on its activity due to Coronavirus. Now, almost 64% of the companies surveyed by i4cp report that COVID-19 has negatively affected their productivity. What can we do to minimize the impact of this outbreak?

– Provide disinfectant supplies (hand sanitizer, etc) in the workplace

– Ask employees to notify their supervisors/managers in case they exhibit symptoms compatible with the disease and stay at home if they are sick.

– Require a self-quarantine of any employees who have traveled to any areas of concern.

– Encouraging social distance for safety: No handshaking, hugging, kissing, etc.

– Reduce visits and external access to the workplace to the minimum.

– Mandating that employees work from home (if possible) in locations with verified cases of COVID-19

– Cancel external company-sponsored events, participation in conferences, seminars, etc.

– Minimize business travel. Try to encourage virtual meetings.

People Analytics. Does your business need them?

In recent years, you have probably heard about this new methodology called People Analytics, that promises to be the new Holy Grail of the Human Resources Practices & Processes. But… is this hype for real? Is there water under that bridge? First, let’s clarify why do we mean when we talk about People & HR Analytics:


People & HR Analytics are profoundly rooted in the Business Intelligence processes. Add a bit of Data Science, forecasting and predictive analysis, and voilá: you have a new HR Process that helps HR Managers in decision taking with a data driven approach. Data becomes information, and information becomes insight.

The tools are numerous and vary between People Analytics Experts. Most common are MS Excel, SAS (for predictive analysis such as ANOVA, Regression, Logistic Regression, etc), R, Tableu, MS Power BI, etc.

Size, in this case, doesn’t matter. 

Doesn’t matter if you have 25 or 25K employees. I’m sure you have some kind of reporting/dashboarding system to measure your HR performance. The question is…what kind is it? What is your current state of analytics? Let’s revisit them: 

  • Level 1 – Operational Reporting reporting consists in traditional metrics such as headcount, attrition, labor cost and training cost. These operational reports are usually generated with the use of a HRIS.
  • Level 2 – Advanced Reporting At this stage, your organization is able to report proactively. This proactive reporting provides multiple perspectives and is sufficiently advanced to influence (strategic) decision-making. HR reports are descriptive and efficiency-focused. In this case, reporting is part of day-today business.
  • Level 3 – Advanced Analytics If you are at this stage, congratulations. You are in the top 14%  of companies that uses statistical modeling to solve business problems and, based on the data, is even able to predict the future!
  • Level 4 – Predictive Analytics At this level, you know all that there is to know about HR Analytics and nothing can surprise you. 


Now, take a few minutes to answer the question asked before: Where are you? Where do you want your company to be in the near future? We at HR Global Partners can help you achieve any of these four levels. 

Employee Engagement. How?

In this article, I’ll discuss the importance and strategic convenience of engaging your employees, and I will describe its benefits and impact in your company.

Why should we invest and actively look for teams that are engaged and aligned with the business objectives? It’s an easy answer: to avoid attrition, talent loss and, even worst, undesired turnover related to critical positions in our company (that 20% that makes 80% of the money!).

Let’s analyze the context and the reality of the job market (doesn’t matter where is your company located) in terms of «Employee Experience»: employees are quitting their jobs more than ever, and studies show that voluntary turnover rate is now over 15%. (This means almost one in six people are leaving their jobs voluntarily to look for another one.)

At the same time, people are working more hours, undergoing more stress, and feel less productive than ever. In fact productivity is slowing (output per hour worked) and most economists can’t even agree on why is this happening.

So, how can you keep your high performers under your roof and how can you keep them engaged and aligned with your business goals and strategy?

Depending of the size of your company, the actions that you can perform may vary. For small & medium size companies and businesses, where money is limited because of an equally limited Return of Investment (ROI), the HR Professional must make good use of its soft skills and detect which actions can be performed. First, a good HR Manager should know the social climate and employee satisfaction, whether it’s by one-on-one contact with each employee or conducting employee satisfaction surveys. Performance appraisal results and years in the company is also relevant data to consider when the time to make decisions and take actions comes.

If the company you work for is a big corporation with big HR budget and means, employee satisfaction and employee engagement can be measured with the proper HR ERP. There are several vendors in the market: SAP Successfactors, Oracle, Peoplesoft, etc. Choose one. Implement all its capabilities. Extract the data you need. As with a SMB case, employee satisfaction surveys, performance appraisal results, years in the company, are also useful. If you know how to do it, a ONA (Organizational Networking Analysis) is a powerful tool too. It can reveal outliers, information silos and employees that are disengaged and out of touch within the company.

What have this two scenarios (SMB’s and Big MNC) have in common? The decision and actions that you take, must be data driven. Don’t let yourself be fooled by HR professionals that function guided by «gut feeling» or intuition. It will not work.

For more info and/or if you want this services to be provided in your company, don’t hesitate and get in touch with us.